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Whose data provides the most accurate look into your operation and conditions? Your own data, of course!!


Using yearly Dairyland Seed polling data, our growers and dealers tell us that the information generated within their own plots has the most significant influence on products they use and recommend to others every growing season. When this very local data is judiciously used alongside pertinent unbiased University and F.I.R.S.T. datasets, our plot cooperators help focus placement of these lines to help provide the best opportunity for success.

In 2021, the Dairyland Seed soybean plot system contained over 150 soybean locations across our footprint and was integral in steering the direction of our current portfolio. This shared data and collaboration allows Dairyland Seed to move into and out of products with greater efficiency and accuracy, allowing for a stronger DSR offering to drive even greater success in the field.

Dairyland Seed DSM Brandon Beck, dairyland seed dealer PJ Garriott, and Regional Agronomist, Dan Ritter, putting in a plot near Attica, INDIANA, last year.

As we march into 2022 planting, it is imperative that we continue growing our collaboration with growers while refining our soybean plot database. This is especially true as we strive for integration of our next generation Enlist E3® soybean products. These new Corteva Agriscience based germplasm soybean products will set our lineup apart from the rest of the Enlist E3® soybean pack. It is no secret that there are significant newcomers to the Enlist E3® soybean platform in the industry and the data generated in 2022 and beyond will help us and you best highlight and define the Corteva germplasm. This germplasm separation will drive even greater portfolio success here and now.

I am beyond excited for what our current and incoming classes of Corteva based genetics bring to the table. Increased agronomic strength and yield potential are strongly evidenced in the 12 new products available in plot sets for conventional and Enlist E3® soybean for 2022 planting.

If you want to be first in your geography to observe and verify these exciting new products in 2022, work with your District Sales Manager or Regional Agronomist and communicate your desire plant a plot or side-by side evaluation in 2022. Your efforts will not disappoint and they will help us help you in your quest for success.

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