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Introducing New Corn Hybrids for 2023

BY Ryan Mueller, Product Portfolio/Agronomy Leader

I’m excited to introduce the new class of corn hybrids for 2023. With a nice mix of new products sprinkled throughout our maturity spectrum, these hybrids have earned their way into an already good line up. The data would suggest that this class has a chance to further separate our performance from the competition.

Due to this fact, we have invested a significant percentage of our 2023 crop plan into these hybrids. We were able to procure commercial quantities of many of these hybrids for trial use in 2022. While many are sold out, some still have inventory to get. If you are interested, please check with your District Sales Manager to see if there is availability of a hybrid that you have interest in.

You’ll be able to view the new products in test plots this summer. Talk with your Dairyland Seed District Sales Manager or Regional Agronomist if you’d like further details on any of the new products.

DS-2220C™ brand
Our new very early flowering 82-day hybrid has very good drought tolerance. Tough hybrid that can handle variable conditions. Excellent yield potential for this style of hybrid. Keep north as a true 82 day.

DS-2531AM™ brand
This new 85-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid adds depth to this zone and gives yield punch to this maturity. Big, chunky ears with high flex. Good across the yield spectrum, but separates in high-yield environments. Solid stalks, roots and mid-season brittle stalk.

DS-2919AM™ brand
Our new 89-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid gets the highest rating for test weight. Good against northern leaf blight and Goss’s wilt. Good drought tolerance. Performed well under western stress environments. Low ear flex, need to push populations.

DS-3203AM™ brand
Broadly adapted east to west, this new 92-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid features elite drought tolerance. Very good stalks and mid-season brittle stalk with a great foliar health package. Low ear flex, need to push populations.

DS-3366C™ brand
With consistent performance east to west, this 93-day conventional hybrid exhibits top-end yield potential. Nice grain quality and test weight. Solid foliar health package. Shorter statured plant type.

DS-3477AM™ brand
This new 94-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid looked like a rockstar in stressed western environments! Elite drought tolerance to handle the toughest conditions. Above average northern leaf blight and Goss’s wilt. Good stalks. Solid workhorse style of hybrid that provides excellent stability.

Dairyland Seed Agronomy team (from left) amanda goffnett, ryan mueller, sara hagen, Brian weller, Rod moran, branden furseth, dan ritter, mark gibsoN.

DS-3601AM™/DS-3601Q™ brands
Our new 96-day Qrome® and Optimum® AcreMax® hybrids are the lead family for this maturity with high yield potential and big, flexy ears. Good drought tolerance and staygreen plus above average stress emergence. Solid northern leaf blight and Goss’s wilt.

DS-3727C™ brand
Big-time yield potential, with this new 97-Day conventional hybrid. Early flowering with fast drydown and very good test weight. Nice toughness and drought tolerance. Consider using fungicide for NLB and GLS.

DS-3900AM™ brand
This new 100-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid has the highest yield potential product in this maturity. Performs east to west across our geography. Good drought tolerance and toughness. Big, chunky ears with high flex. Strong foliar health and average mid-season brittle stalk.

DS-4219AM™ brand
The new 102-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid has high-yielding genetics along with excellent staygreen and fall visuals. Superior drought tolerance and toughness. Performs east to west. Elite mid-season brittle stalk and Goss’s wilt for western geography.

DS-4510C™ brand
This new 105-day conventional hybrid had outstanding performance in 2021 independent trials. Game-changing yield potential at this maturity! Elite drought tolerance, can handle tough environments. Strong emergence and early vigor with nice grain quality and test weight. Best performance is east of I-35.

DS-4567Q™ brand
This New 105-day Qrome® hybrid features Exceptional drought tolerance and good performance east to west. Outstanding stalks and roots. Very good resistance to northern leaf blight and excellent resistance to Goss’s wilt.

Regional Agronomist, Dan Ritter, records his observations on hybrids at the Product Agronomy Research plot at Wabash, IN.

DS-5095AM™ brand
DS-5095AM is our new 110-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid with game changing yield potential at this maturity. Solid all-around agronomics and big, chunky ears with high flex. Good foliar health for northern leaf blight, gray leaf spot and Goss’s wilt.

DS-5161Q™ brand
The new 111-day Qrome® hybrid is a defensive stud to compliment this maturity. Very nice test weight and grain quality. Great drought tolerance and toughness. Solid trifecta of strong stalks, roots and mid-season brittle stalk. White cob.

DS-5279C™ brand
Our new 112-day conventional hybrid shows consistent performance across environments and very good drought tolerance and toughness. Good test weight and grain quality and strong stalks. A tough hybrid that can handle variable conditions.

DS-5383AM™ brand
New 113-day Optimum® AcreMax® hybrid is a high performance potential hybrid with awesome test weight and grain quality. Strong stalks and roots. Huge ears with high flex. Good out of the ground.

HIDF-3855Q™ brand
This new 98-Day Qrome® silage hybrid features elite HiDF silage hybrid for this maturity with a tall, showy plant type. Shows huge tonnage potential and solid digestibility. Can move west with good mid-season brittle stalk and strong Goss’s wilt. Nice drought tolerance and toughness. Big, chunky ears with high flex.

HIDF-5000Q™ brand
Our new 110-day Qrome® silage hybrid offers a good combination of tonnage, starch and digestibility. A tough hybrid with solid drought tolerance and strong foliar health package. Quick out of the ground. High flex ears.

DB-3722Q™ brand
A new 97-day Bovalta™ BMR silage hybrid adding huge tonnage potential to our BMR line-up. Competitive fiber digestibility with improved starch content versus BMR-3597RA™. Nice visual appeal.

DB-4022Q™ brand
A new 100-day Bovalta™ BMR silage hybrid that adds huge tonnage potential to our BMR lineup. Competitive fiber digestibility and good starch content. Will have moderate stature for a silage hybrid.

DB-4522Q™ brand
This new 105-day Bovalta™ BMR silage hybrid has strong fiber digestibility, Excellent tonnage potential, and good starch content. Nice foliar health package. Flowers early and can push north of maturity.

There’s a lot to be excited about this season! I will do a deep dive on these products at our summer trainings sessions. I look forward to seeing all of you again soon.

Take care and have a safe planting season!

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