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The Hunt for Dairyland Seed's New Business Development Manager

BY Dairyland Seed Marketing Team

Branden’s a man you want looking at your operation. He’s analytical, practical, and curious. Whether he is helping scout weeds on customer farms, or trekking a Montana mountain range on a hunt, he’s got that patience and know-how to be successful.

Kailee, Clara, Millie, and Branden Furseth

Branden Furseth embodies what it means to be part of the Dairyland Seed family. He brings personal service, deep product knowledge and a history of passion for agriculture to the job every day. Join us in welcoming Branden in his new role at Dairyland Seed as Business Development Manager.

Transferring from his role as Northern Regional Agronomist to Business Development Manager makes perfect sense for Branden’s skill set. In this expanded role, Branden will help Dairyland Seed sales managers and dealers analyze their businesses and provide them the tools they need to be successful. His primary duties will include implementation of business planning and recruiting strategies and providing guidance to dealers looking to expand their footprint and grow their business.

“I really like to hit that synergistic zone between helping others do their job and contributing to the team. As an agronomist, I often viewed my role as a sales enabler: I strived to arm individuals with the tools and resources they needed to do their job well. This new role feels like a natural extension of that and it’s a fun space to be in,” said Furseth. Branden has had a long career in agriculture to give him credibility. Growing up in Stoughton, Wisconsin, Branden helped farm with his dad, brother, three uncles, and numerous cousins on a 4,000-acre cash crop, dairy, and specialty tobacco operation. He attended 4-H and showed cattle at the fair, which he now volunteers at as much as he can. He also credits his time in FFA with helping him develop the leadership practice he uses to this day.

“Growing up farming with extended family was a joy. I essentially had four sets of parents. Everyone took care of everyone and it gave me great mentors growing up. It’s how I see things operating at Dairyland Seed and is a main reason I like working here,” recalls Furseth.

After high school, his curiosity drew him away from the farm, but not the outdoors. He attended the University of Wisconsin-Platteville before going to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin-Madison for a master’s degree in Agronomy, working under well-known soybean and small grain extension agent Dr. Shawn Conley. Shortly after graduation, Branden started his Dairyland Seed career at the Clinton Research Station as an operations lead.

“Working with Dr. Conley was a big part of why I’m now interested in in-field education and research. It was great experience working with someone who challenged me but kept it fun,” remarked Furseth.

Now, outside of his duties at Dairyland Seed, Branden remains committed to his friends and family. Branden, his wife, and his two little girls spend as much of the time as they can outside. Hunting, fishing, camping, or helping around the family farm are now common past times.

Hunting, in particular, is where all his analytical and personal skills come together. On a recent elk hunt in Southwest Montana, Branden and his friends backpacked through challenging terrain that pushed them both physically and mentally. As it turns out, the analytical and leadership skills of an Agronomist translate quite well for hunting.

“We have been going on trips like that for several years, and it’s a great example of how a special bond is developed between people who work together to do hard things,” said Furseth.

Next time you meet Branden shake his hand, strike up a conversation, and find out how he can help advance your operation.

“At the end of the day, working next to people you care about is all that matters. I get that feeling at Dairyland Seed every day,” says Furseth.


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