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Dairyland Seed is a trusted ally for Anderson Seed Farms

BY TJ Strachota

To Luke Anderson, Dairyland Seed isn’t just a seed supplier. It’s a customer-first, relationship focused company bringing customers into the conversation of enhancing and advancing agronomics. And Dairyland Seed is personal for Anderson.

As the fifth generation on his family’s farm and the third generation operating the family seed conditioning and treatment business, Anderson knows first-hand the importance quality seed plays in the success of farm operations. That’s why he not only grows Dairyland Seed products, but sells the seed as well.

“As a dealer, I have access to the full team behind the scenes, whether it’s the people selecting hybrids or varieties, handling shipping and distribution, or just overseeing the business of the company,” says Anderson. “The individuals who work at Dairyland Seed know me personally. For me, Dairyland Seed is more than a business partner or a company providing seed. The relationships bring huge value.”

Long-standing relationship

Anderson Seed Farms Inc., located in Forman, North Dakota, has been in business with Dairyland Seed for nearly 20 years. The long-standing relationship allows Anderson to excel on his operation while helping his customers meet their goals, too. The agronomically sound and innovative research behind every Dairyland Seed product gives Anderson the confidence to grow and sell seed varieties across the company’s product portfolio.

In the 2020 growing season, Anderson was eager to try Enlist E3® soybeans. Although he didn’t know much about the new soybeans prior to planting, Anderson was encouraged by the Dairyland Seed team to take them for a spin—a venture that certainly paid off.

Harvest conditions in 2019 were less than ideal. A lot of fieldwork didn't get done and the ground was very wet going into freeze-up. If you had talked to Anderson in February 2020, he wouldn’t have guessed his crop would perform so well this season.

“I believe that’s due to Dairyland Seed making sure they’re releasing soybeans with the characteristics growers need to be successful,” says Anderson. “The new Enlist E3 soybeans delivered a great stand with a lot of pods on the plants, and the fields were amazingly clean.”

Anderson attributes his excelling crop performance to the agronomics behind Dairyland Seed soybeans, combined with the leading herbicide trait package. Compared to Roundup Ready® soybeans he used in the past, Enlist E3 soybeans gave Anderson the ability to control weeds early, stopping them at the beginning of the season.

Kochia and waterhemp are difficult to combat in Anderson’s region, but Enlist E3 soybeans stood firm against the weeds. Anderson utilized a foundational pre-emergent herbicide and then sprayed his fields post-emergence once with Enlist One®, glyphosate and a residual, and then was able to stay out of the fields for the remainder of the growing season.

After the soybeans canopied, the residual herbicide action took care of any remaining weeds, keeping Anderson’s fields clean and cutting down his workload. He notes that the Enlist® system controlled weeds at a high level—another reason he values Dairyland Seed.

While the trait technology in Enlist E3 soybeans has proved successful in controlling weeds, Anderson is also pleased with the crop itself. He has seen a lot of pods on the plants and is excited to see yield results at harvest.

Corn that yields

Meanwhile, Anderson has also had great success with Dairyland Seed corn hybrids. Anderson looks for high-yielding corn hybrids that can withstand tough conditions and soil types, and fertility challenges.

 “You can always get racehorse hybrids that break records, but they still have to be able to perform agronomically. So, a well-rounded hybrid is most important to see consistently high yield long-term,” says Anderson.

While most growers have the same goals—control weeds, increase yield, and mitigate pests and diseases—Anderson values building relationships with each of his customers to tailor solutions for their unique operations. Each one is different, and Dairyland Seed provides Anderson with the tools and knowledge to meet each customer’s need.

Experts at Dairyland Seed assist Anderson in recommending new varieties to replace older ones, showcasing field successes and communicating the enhanced benefits of upgraded agronomics. For many growers, seeing is believing. Translating the successful attributes from older soybeans and corn and pairing those with advancements in new products gives Anderson and his growers peace of mind that they’re not just trying the next new thing.

“A lot of my decision making and recommendations to my growers start with Dairyland Seed’s expertise,” says Anderson. “The team makes my job easy because they tell me exactly what will perform best on my customers’ ground.”

Dairyland Seed is backed not only by sound science and research, but also by a passionate team dedicated to helping growers achieve their goals. With the Dairyland Seed team on his side, Anderson helps propel growers to success with the best seeds.

“Over the years, many companies change their vision or the way they do business, but I haven't seen that with Dairyland Seed,” says Anderson. “Throughout all of these years, one thing has always remained true with Dairyland Seed—they treat you with respect and make you feel like part of the family, which sounds like a cliché, but it's true.”

At the end of the day, Anderson is Dairyland Seed proud.

To learn more about Dairyland Seed products, visit our full portfolio under the products tab.

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