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5 Quick Questions: Luke Bird

BY Dairyland Seed

In this next 5 Quick Questions series, we turn our attention to our incredible team of District Sales Managers. For our first feature, we highlight one of our longest serving Dairyland Seed team members, District Sales Manager Luke Bird.  

Where do you call home? 

Waterford, Wisconsin, a small farmette where we raise show lambs and show hogs for the kids to show at county fairs or other shows throughout Wisconsin. 

How did you first get involved with agriculture? 

Well, I got involved with agriculture as a young boy. My family has always farmed around 600 to 700 acres, and we raised hogs and steers growing up. After college, I ended up in the co-op system and always liked selling seed. Agriculture is something I can’t get rid of; it's just built in me and in my blood. 

What is your favorite part about being a Dairyland Seed DSM? 

My favorite part of being a DSM is never having the same day! From cold calls, to laughing with customers, the feeling we all get when a customer is happy with the product, fixing issues and helping them understand situations, along with quiet time while driving from one farm to another if a visit didn’t go so well. It’s a job that is never the same, and we all can make it what we need to make it. 

What do you think Dairyland Seed does better than anyone else? 

As a DSM, I really think Dairyland Seed tries to provide the best products, fastest turnarounds and will not push a product if we know it won't rise to our expectations or needs. The support Dairyland Seed provides is also unmatched. I am proud to work with Dairyland Seed because of the confidence we can take to the countryside. 

How would you describe Dairyland Seed’s 2024 seed lineup? 

Our seed lineup is tough! We have products that can out yield and outlast the competition, handle the toughest conditions (which we proved this year with the lack of rain) and still bring top-quality grain and yield to the market. We have hybrids that can move from one area to another without skipping a beat, and that is a huge advantage for me. We can fill a planter and just keep planting! The 2024 lineup is the best I have ever had since I started working with Dairyland Seed eight years ago as a dealer. 

Stay tuned for more features on Dairyland Seed District Sales Managers in the upcoming months and reach out to Dairyland Seed for all your 2024 seed needs.  

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