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Your Business is Essential: Moving Forward Amid the Coronavirus


While our country faces growing concerns about COVID-19, we want to reassure Dairyland Seed customers that we remain open for business and dedicated to serving you during this time of uncertainty.

The federal government has designated agriculture an essential business, and we will continue to do our best to ensure you have the support you need for a successful 2020 growing season.

To that end, we want to share important information regarding Dairyland Seed spring seed deliveries and how we are modifying our operations to ensure the health and safety of customers and employees.

We continue to move forward with timely seed shipments. If you have not yet received your seed, expect your shipment soon.

In the coming weeks, our seed delivery and sales teams will take additional steps to protect the health and safety of you and your family.

  • Seed delivery people will use hand sanitizer between deliveries and practice social distancing during the delivery process.
  • Salespeople will not make unannounced visits to your farm. They will contact you in advance to confirm appointments, and handle business without face-to-face contact if possible. Sales teams also will be equipped with hand sanitizer to use between farm visits.

At the same time, we are taking steps to protect Dairyland Seed employees’ health and safety.

  • Our offices and warehouses remain open with modified work schedules.
  • Our goal is to limit potential for spread of COVID-19 by reducing the number of people on site at any one time.
  • As their jobs allow, some office employees are working from home. Others are alternating days at the office.
  • We are cleaning and sanitizing all locations more frequently.

We continue to monitor this evolving situation. Despite these challenging times, we are confident that our agriculture industry is up to the task of keeping our nation’s food supply strong.  Working together, we will weather this crisis.

If you have any concerns or questions, please contact your Dairyland Seed district sales manager.

Thank you for business and confidence in Dairyland Seed. We wish you a safe and productive season.

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