The First Few Hours or Day of #Plant24
BY Dairyland Seed Agronomy Team
Corn has been planted in a few areas across the corn belt, so this message may be on the late side for those who have started. With that being said, if you haven’t started planting yet or even if you have a few acres in the ground, take some time to step out of the tractor cab, get behind the planter and start checking how good of a job that planter is doing. You only get so many chances in a farming career to put a crop in the ground, so we need to do it correctly. What is done correctly in the spring with the planter can optimize the yield potential of the seed. Conversely, what is done that is less than correct will decrease yield.
- Depth: Is the depth where you want it to be, and is it at a consistent depth from seed to seed as well as row to row? Most corn planting recommendations are 1.5 to 2 inches in depth. I prefer to be closer to the 2-inch depth, and this is after the soil has been compressed over the row with a foot or hand which lessens the air above and around the seed. By gently compressing the soil, it mimics what the seed depth would be after a rain or a few days of a breeze and the soil settling.
- Seed Spacing: Today’s monitors do an outstanding job of measuring and recording spacing. However, the phrase “Trust but Verify” or ground truthing to make sure the monitor is accurately measuring seed placement is what we need to do. Removing soil on two to four feet of row and measuring the distance between seeds to see if it is at the distance you want.
- Seed Shut Offs: If you are utilizing a GPS monitor that has shut offs, check to see how close they are engaging as you come off or approach the headlands/end rows. Properly calibrated seed shut offs, reduce over planting of seed in the headland, as well as engaging them at the proper distance in the field so you don’t have a gap coming into or off the headland. Properly calibrated seed shut offs may help reduce seed cost from overplanting, but may also increase yield due to proper seed spacing. Properly calibrated seed shut offs may also decrease some of the spirited discussions at local gathering places.
- Seed Placement: Is the seed placed in the bottom of the seed furrow in a consistent manner? If it is not, it may not be accessing nutrients or crop protection products, such as fungicide or insecticide, as efficiently and not receiving their full intended benefit.
- Soil Firming: Is the soil firmed around the seed? Closing wheel type and down pressure can make a big difference. Soil properly firmed around the seed will provide more consistent water imbibition and subsequent germination and emergence.
- Check every row on the planter. Not every setting is the same on each row unit all the time.
- Now, check your settings and depth in a different part of the field or soil type and adjust those settings to maximize planter performance in varying soil types.
By taking time in the first few hours or first day of planter activity in the field to tweak and fine-tune your planter to perform at its optimum, provides you the best chance for success for your crop.
Brian Weller
Western Region
Rod Moran
Western Region
Dan Ritter
Central Region
Branden Furseth
Northern Region
Mark Gibson
Eastern Region
Amanda Goffnett
Eastern Region
Ryan Mueller
Eastern Region