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Set a Good Example - Do it Safely


With the 2022 harvest season upon us, remember to take time to think about the safe way to work or do a job. During harvest season, we may be running on less sleep, running on less-than-ideal nutrition, and pushing hard to get a crop in before inclement weather hits and stops us. It is at times like these, amidst all these stresses, that we need to remind ourselves, our family and employees to do the job the safe way.

We have all done many of the jobs that need to be done ahead of, during, or after harvest, numerous times. We all know the best, safe way to do a job, and then we also know a short cut or two that is quick and we have done it that “quick way” countless times. The issue is the “quick way” may not always be the safest way. The “quick way” works 99 percent of the time, however, that 1 percent of the time could lead to an accident or worse.

Lastly, remember by doing it safely you are setting an example of how to do a job correctly. Others may watch how you do things. It could be your spouse, your children, your grandchildren or an employee. Set a good example and do it safely.

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