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Product and Agronomy Research (PAR) Plot Data Arriving Soon

BY Dairyland Seed Agronomy Team

For seed agronomists, fall is a special time of year. It’s almost like Christmas. We get to open the much anticipated “results” and see if certain hybrids were “good enough”. At Dairyland Seed, it’s even MORE exciting. Not only do we have our extensive hybrid and variety trials, we have our PAR plot data. Not every seed company provides that extra level of data, service and information. Any seed company can shove seed in a bag and sell it to you. At Dairyland we want to deliver more than seed. We want to be a part of your team providing you useful agronomic information that adds a positive impact to your operation.

With input from you, our stakeholders and our valued seed friends, we have a robust list of research projects. All are developed with protocols to help answer questions and concerns you’ve brought forward to your sales and agronomy team. This year we implemented a few new projects, revamped a few existing protocols and implemented some new research.

Plot harvest is nearly complete at our PAR locations. Our on-farm trials are in the midst of harvest as well. We will be receiving final data and yields from all research locations in the next couple weeks. Be watching your weekly Agronomy Newsletter for sneak peeks at the information to come. Expect to see information in your newsletters through the months of December and January. Plans are to have the printed research report ready in mid-December and agronomy presentations this winter at meetings and through the Dairyland Seed Café online agronomy meetings in February.

The hottest topic this year has been nitrogen costs and nitrogen management. Specifically, there has been a great amount of discussion about the new biologicals such as Pivot Bio PROVEN® 40 and Corteva’s own Utrisha™ N. With the assistance of our agronomy staff, research farm staff and on-farm cooperators, we will have an extensive report on the use of these products. At our Wabash research location, we will have replicated plot data as well as on farm data sources. In addition, we will have replicated research data from our Mt. Hope PAR location and on-farm data from northern Illinois.

Other topics of interest to be watching for in our newsletters and reports include:

  • Early Harvest Strategies for Soybeans (Folks this is a hot subject this year!)
  • High Yield Corn and Soybean plots
  • Corn Harvest Timing (aka Phantom yield loss)
  • Corn and Soybean Date of Planting
  • Rolling Soybeans for Yield Increase
  • Fungicide Use Strategies in Grain and Silage Corn


Brian Weller Dan Ritter Branden Furseth Mark Gibson Amanda Goffnett
Brian Weller
Western Region
Dan Ritter
Central Region
Branden Furseth
Northern Region
Mark Gibson
Eastern Region
Amanda Goffnett
Eastern Region
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