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Outstanding Performance in 2021 Independent Trials

BY Dairyland Seed

From the Dakotas to Indiana and Michigan, we entered our new and key corn, soybean, and silage products into university trials and Farmers’ Independent Research of Seed Technologies (F.I.R.S.T.) trials to learn more about how our products perform across geographies and against the competition. And as the numbers show, Dairyland Seed rose to the top once again in 2021.

  • 255 – Top 5 finishes in 2021 F.I.R.S.T and university trials combined
  • 163 – Top 3 finishes in 2021 F.I.R.S.T and university trials combined
  • 65 – 1st place finishes in 2021 F.I.R.S.T and university trials combined
  • 77 – Top 5 finishes in 2021 F.I.R.S.T and university trials combined
  • 52 – Top 3 finishes in 2021 F.I.R.S.T and university trials combined
  • 18 – 1st place finishes in 2021 F.I.R.S.T and university trials combined
  • 272 – Top 5 finishes for T/A, M/T, or M/A in 2021 university trials
  • 193 – Top 3 finishes for T/A, M/T, or M/A in 2021 university trials
  • 85 – 1st place finishes for T/A, M/T, or M/A in 2021 university trials
Below are the grain corn results by state. You can access more of the detailed information on our website at

Click on the 2021 Independent Trials link.



No. Central Tri-State

1st Place 1 2 5 4 2 3 4 3 24
2nd Place 4 3 3 5 1 2 4 3 25
3rd Place 2 3 1 2 3 1 5 1 18
4th Place 1 2 2 5 1 2 6 1 20
5th Place 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 1 16
Top 5 Finishes 9 13 13 19 8 9 23 9 103


State Trials Univ of IL MSU Univ of MN NDSU SDSU Univ. of WI Total
1st Place 4 13 2 13 7 2 41
2nd Place 1 7 2 9 1 11 31
3rd Place 1 8 3 2 2 8 24
4th Place 1 7 3 2 5 11 29
5th Place 2 9 2 5 4 5 27
Top 5 Finishes 9 44 12 31 19 37 152



No. Central


1st Place 5 2 18 6 15 10 6 3 65
2nd Place 5 3 10 7 10 3 15 3 56
3rd Place 3 3 9 5 5 3 13 1 42
4th Place 2 2 9 8 3 7 17 1 48
5th Place 3 3 11 5 6 5 9 1 43
Top 5 Finishes 18 13 57 31 39 28 60 9 255
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