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Meet the Dairyland Seed Family - Curt Allison

BY Dairyland Seed

CURT ALLISON serves as Warehouse Leader/DOT Manager at Dairyland Seed’s West Bend, WI, office. Curt oversees the West Bend warehouse operations, handles the inbound/outbound alfalfa seed shipments and manages the DOT driver safety files for the salesmen and tractor-trailer delivery drivers. Prior to his promotion to Warehouse Leader/DOT Manager, Curt was responsible for alfalfa exports.

With the busy delivery season upon us, Curt says, “We are here to meet your needs and will do whatever it takes to earn your business.”

Curt will be celebrating ten years with the Dairyland Seed family this summer. However, before becoming a full-time employee, he was the seasonal second shift warehouse leader for several years during the shipping season.

“I enjoy the challenges that are presented -- doing building and grounds maintenance as well as remodel projects for the company,” adds Curt.

Prior to joining Dairyland Seed, Curt operated a remodeling business which he will likely continue part time after retirement. Concurrent with that business, he was owner of the Bagg End Tavern in West Bend for 25 years that he sold in 2007.

His cabin in northwest Wisconsin allows Curt to pursue his passion for enjoying the outdoors including fishing, deer hunting and boating. Although he has hunted both elk and bear, both remain on his bucket list. 

You’ll often see Curt enthusiastically pedaling his way to the office on summer mornings. His collection of seven bicycles avail him to bike on many different terrains both on and off road. His competitive biking events include the Wisport Citizens road racing series, the WORS off-road series as well as the Fat Tire 40 in Hayward, WI, which is the largest U.S. off-road race.

Once, while riding in the Trek 100 MACC Fund Century ride, Curt was excited to meet legendary bicyclists Greg LeMond and Lance Armstrong.

Curt’s next adventures?  In 2021 he will climb a 14,000-foot mountain (aka 14er) in Colorado. In the planning stage for the summer of 2023 is a 2,000-mile bike trip on the North-South Great River Road (Mississippi River-Lacrosse to New Orleans) which will take about 30 days.

Curt earned his Bachelor’s Degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management from the University of Wisconsin Stout-Menomonee. He volunteers for the local Habitat for Humanity and Chix 4 A Cause.

Curt is a life-long resident of the area and resides in West Bend just seven miles from the Dairyland Seed facility. He and his wife Pam have two adult children, Carly and Aubree. Curt and Pam are the proud grandparents of Kenna (4-1/2), Archer (2-1/2) and are excited about their third grandchild on the way. 

Curt and his wife Pam enjoy time with grandchildren Kenna and Archer. 

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