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Insect Protection Traited Products Only Getting Better

BY Jake Wolter, Marketing Communications Specialist

Maximizing return on investment (ROI) in corn means protecting your crop as much as possible, while still choosing the right genetics for your geography.

Corteva Agriscience continues to strive for better yields with the development of new PowerCore® Enlist® and Vorceed™ Enlist® corn products for Dairyland Seed customers.

“PowerCore Enlist and Vorceed Enlist corn products will significantly benefit growers struggling with insect pressure, while giving them more management flexibility,” Dairyland Seed Portfolio and Agronomy Leader Ryan Mueller explained.

Both products contain a stack of Bt traits to target a broad spectrum of above-ground Lepidopteran pests (i.e., corn ear worm and fall armyworm), but what is the difference between the two, and when should you choose each product?

The key to answering lies in the ground, literally.

PowerCore® Enlist® products provide above-ground insect protection through three distinct active Bt proteins with powerful weed control options thanks to the Enlist® Weed Control System. Now, growers can control ear-feeding as well as stalk boring Lepidoptera insects. PowerCore® Enlist® Refuge Advanced® products also contain a blended and integrated refuge comprised of 95% PowerCore® Enlist® corn and 5% non-Bt Enlist® corn.

“The Enlist® trait in corn is a game changer for growers. With tolerance to 2,4-D choline, glyphosate, glufosinate, and FOP chemistries, they have access to more management options for hard-to-control weeds in a neighbor-friendly, near-zero volatility solution,” Mueller said.

Vorceed™ Enlist® corn, the newest addition to the Dairyland Seed portfolio, provides the same above-ground Bt trait stack as the PowerCore® Enlist® products, but also includes a unique, triple-trait stack targeting below-ground corn rootworm pests. This means that Vorceed™ Enlist® products will have six MOAs for insect protection and four MOAs for weed control.

“Vorceed Enlist corn hybrids will provide the most advanced insect and weed control technology on the market, all in our best genetics,” Mueller said.

One of the key features of Vorceed™ Enlist® below-ground traits is a unique RNAi approach to pest control. RNAi reduces the production of a critical transport protein within the corn rootworm larva. Therefore, the number of emerging adults is significantly reduced. In combination with the Bt proteins, growers now have three MOAs that work together to provide root protection and control of corn rootworm.

“In trial studies, Vorceed Enlist products shown an approximate 99% reduction in adult western and northern corn rootworm and helped reduce future corn rootworm populations. This allows our growers for more flexibility when they choose their management options and seed choice the following year.” Mueller explained.

If you are looking for more management options for 2024, talk to your Dairyland Seed dealer or district sales manager about Vorceed™ Enlist® or PowerCore® Enlist® corn hybrids.

V – Vorceed™ Enlist® products with V, LL, RR, ENL. Contains a single-bag integrated refuge solution with multiple modes of action for above- and below-ground insects. The major component contains the Herculex® XTRA genes, the RW3 trait and the VTP trait. In EPA-designated cotton growing counties, a 20% separate corn borer refuge must be planted for Vorceed Enlist products.

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