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GEN-4 HybriForce Hybrid Alfalfa Tops the Charts in HAY Plots

BY Sara Hagen, Product Support Specialist

After completing yet another year filled with confusion and uncertainty, Dairyland Seed’s annual on-farm alfalfa testing program provides results you can rely on. Since 2000, Dairyland Seed has tested alfalfa under real-world conditions and scenarios by collaborating with alfalfa growers to capture performance data that reflects realistic differences in growing conditions, cutting schedules, soil demographics, weather, and wheel traffic. Subjecting products to high levels of variability allows us to be more confident in product adaptability and placement.

HybriForce-4400 has been extensively tested in our on-farm plot system, achieving an incredible 5.9% yield advantage over competitors in 977 head-to-head comparisons since 2017. This impressive field performance is achieved without sacrificing on important quality metrics by also showing a 5.5% advantage in milk per acre.

Dairyland Seed continues to set the bar high with a brand-new branch-rooted option in HybriForce 4420/Wet. The introduction of this new hybrid marks the ability of routinely releasing higher yielding alfalfa hybrids in order to provide value to customers to ensure long-term success. Over the past two years, HybriForce-4420/Wet has shown a 3.8% yield and 2.9% milk per acre advantage against 98 head-to-head comparisons in the HAY plot program.

Additionally, these Gen-4 hybrid alfalfa products with msSUNSTRA® hybrid technology deliver increased profitability in a challenging agricultural economy by providing a 1.0% crude protein advantage for HybriForce-4400 and a 1.7% crude protein advantage for HybriForce-4420/Wet over their respective competitors. With increasing commodity prices, planting alfalfa can provide out-of-pocket cost savings by feeding more protein from forage instead of purchasing soybean meal or other protein sources.

To see individual plot results and summaries, visit

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