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Flooding Concerns From Recent Rainfall Events

BY Dairyland Seed Agronomy Team

With the recent rain events across the Dairyland Seed footprint, we are starting to see water standing in areas or ponding taking place. This ponding tends to take place in lower elevation in the topography or pockets of low areas, as well as compacted areas.

As water accumulates or starts to stand in these areas, the soil gets saturated and it depletes the oxygen in the soil. Seeds and seedlings are living organisms and need oxygen to survive. As oxygen is depleted from the soil, it reduces the rate of respiration in the plant, which then depletes the plant of energy and carbon both of which are necessary for growth. If this continues long enough, the plant will die.

Factors effecting flood damage:

  • Duration of Saturation: The longer the soil remains flooded or saturated, the greater the damage to the growing corn and soybean plant. Typically, plants can survive one to three or maybe four days in a flooded area.
  • Air Temperature: The warmer the air temperature, the shorter the time the plant can survive.
    • Upper 70°F or greater: one day or less.
    • Upper 60°F to mid 70°’s: one to two days.
    • Mid 60°F or cooler: Three days or more.
  • Growth Stage:
    • In corn plants less than V6, the growing point is below the soil making plants more susceptible to flooding or standing water. Plants greater than V6 have a larger root system and are more resilient to flooding or standing water.
    • Soybean plants, in general, do not tolerate standing water as well as corn and seeds or seedlings will succumb to standing water in one to two days. Older plants with plant tissue above the water line, may survive longer.

Other areas of concern will be disease and late season standability as well as nutrient deficiencies.

As always, if you have question or concerns regarding this contact your Dairyland Seed Agronomist or District Sales Manager.


Brian Weller
Brian Weller
Western Region
Rod Moran
Rod Moran
Western Region
Dan Ritter
Dan Ritter
Central Region
Branden Furseth
Branden Furseth
Northern Region
Mark Gibson
Mark Gibson
Eastern Region
Amanda Goffnett
Amanda Goffnett
Eastern Region
Ryan Mueller
Ryan Mueller
Eastern Region
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