Elite Producer Club
BY Sara Hagen, Product Support Specialist
Join Dairyland Seed’s Elite Producer Club by submitting photos or testimonials of high performing products! Simply text a picture or testimonial of your high performing products to 913-DS-YIELD or 913-379-4353. The program runs from August 15 through December 1, 2021.
Participants will receive a free Dairyland Seed t-shirt (one per entry) and “Elite Yield Club” Certificate. All corn grain, corn silage and soybean products are eligible.
Qualifying products for “Elite Yield” Contest (one winner per family, per region, prize is 3 free units of product that was entered):
Region 1 = DS-3366 family; DS-3550 family; DS-4018 family
Region 2 = DS-3550 family; DS-4018 family; DS-4878 family; DS-5144Q
Region 3 = DS-4310 family; DS-4878 family; DS-5144Q
Region 4 = DS-3366 family; DS-3550 family; DS-4014Q; DS-4310 family
Information required in text: Participant; Location; Product; Yield in Bushels or Tons; T-Shirt Size; DSM; Mailing address if different than participant. Or, complete the form below and include in the text message.