DSR Next Gen Enlist E3® Soybean Lines Making an Assertive Push to Harvest Data Victory
DSR-0220E™ brand is looking amazing and a true early season leader for our northwestern locations. It has demonstrated the quickest emergence of all Group 0 products which helped facilitate its season-long durability. Even in diverse and drier than normal conditions than most areas, expect this variety to set abundant pods and stride confidently into harvest.
DSR-0757E™ brand is showing overall vigor and toughness. In effected SWM locations, this line is standing out as a defensive leader for this pathogen. Should you have acres where this disease is a perennial yield robber, it needs to be on the farm for the foreseeable future. This line can raise the yield bar and elevate the whole field average on those acres.
DSR-1121E™ brand was a little slower to get going this spring, but has come on exceedingly well as the season has progressed. A solid defensive agronomic package with extensive lateral branching along with pod set, looks to yield at the top of its game.
DSR-1505E™ brand may be the strongest overarching defender of the 2022 launch offerings. We have received numerous positive comments from DSMs, RAs, and dealers about the looks and potential of this line. When partnered with any of our mid-Group 1 products, this line is certain to achieve customer approval.
DSR-1919E™ brand brings Peking SCN tolerance to our portfolio, allowing for greater diversification against the number one soybean yield robbing pests. Agronomist notes indicate this line had incredible emergence even when subjected to the slow warm up this spring. Impressive canopy width and nice height allows for good separation of products in this RM. PRR field tolerance notes, even with Rps1k major gene protection, tend to reinforce taking measures to reduce PRR pressure stress i.e. use treated seed, plant into better drained scenarios, and avoid extremely early planting situations.
DSR-2562E™ brand showing impressive potential by Northern Region Agronomist, Brandon Furseth, at a plot near Fountain City, WI.
DSR-2188E™ brand is an IDC stud for our Western locations where that soil conditions habitually interfere with all out-yield potential. DSR-2188™ brand brings Peking SCN and very competitive defensive attributes that when planted in higher yielding scenarios brings the fight in droves in 20” and narrower row widths. Excellent height and with a slightly thinner canopy width provides a nice clean look as we approach harvest.
DSR-2562E™ brand: Ladies and Gentlemen may I have your attention please! In locations where tough IDC is NOT an issue this is a MUST plant for every farm where a 2.5 RM product fits. Impressive and tough with an incredible adaptability. Elite SDS tolerance even with tough pressure from wet planting conditions and slow early growth conditions in 2022. I predict this will be our number one booked product for 2023. Order early to capture units for your farm and customers.
DSR-2717E™ brand is an “all about yield” product. In areas where conditions were more favorable, this line looks the part of an impressive yield machine. In other areas where conditions were damp and cooler and the seed was untreated, the stands and yield look to be a bit off. Manage this line appropriately for top end yield, and it will return the favor by putting beans in the tank.
DSR-3499E™ brand is another solid addition to our already stellar Group 3 offerings. Peking SCN and other supporting defensive attributes really help set this line up for future success. Moderate tolerance to BSR and superior defense for FES and Charcoal Rot will help keep this line healthy to the finish. Excellent partner product with any of the other lines in this RM.
DSR-3903E™ brand is solid top to bottom with our narrowest and tallest product to date. Healthy, green, and loaded with pods. The only watch out is Frogeye. If you have pressure, apply a fungicide and it will deliver a ROI. Yield and overall defense -- what more could you need to fulfill your list.
DSR-0220E™ brand strutting its stuff in the morning sunshine at a plot near Binford, ND.