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Agronomy Update: Closing Out 2019, Looking Ahead


As we reviewed the state of each agronomic area within Dairyland Seed this week, the prognosis is we are getting closer to the finish line for 2019.  As usual, it varies across the Midwest with our more northern areas showing less harvest progress than our more southern areas.  Agronomically, stay focused on topics we have addressed in previous posts.

As you concentrate on closing out harvest, the Dairyland Seed agronomy team begins to research and debate future products. This process begins in earnest the week prior to Thanksgiving. We will review new and existing products and assist in choosing the best product portfolio suited for you, our customer. 

Be safe the next few weeks as we try to close out yet another challenging crop year.


For those of you in Indiana, southern Michigan, and eastern Illinois, we are planning some early winter agronomy update/customer appreciation meetings. 

These meetings are open to all and will include product performance data from 2019, a review of agronomy projects conducted this year at the Wabash Research and Demonstration Farm, Dairyland Seed company updates, general agronomy topics, and more. Our intention is to provide timely agronomic and product information, help you solidify hybrid and variety selection for 2020, and to let you know how much we appreciate doing business with you. 

Lunch will be included at each meeting.  More information will be coming out, along with specific invitations and RSVP instructions. 


Dates and Locations:

Tuesday, December 10

10:00 a.m. – Noon

Das Essenhaus Conference Center, Middlebury, IN

There will be an add-on session after lunch for alfalfa growers – 30 minutes or so of alfalfa product and production information

Wednesday, December 11

10:00 a.m. – Noon

Parkview Stadium, Ft. Wayne, IN

Thursday, December 12

10:00 a.m. – Noon

The Trails, West Lafayette, IN


Brian Weller
Western Region
Dan Ritter
Central Region
Branden Furseth
Northern Region
Rod King
Eastern Region
Terry Jones
Eastern Region
enjoying our Agronomy Updates?  suggestions for topics you'd like us to weigh in on?  Drop us an email at  We'd love to hear from you!
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