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Agronomy Update: Agronomy Team Meetings

Analyzing the 2019 data

Dairyland Seed’s Agronomy Team will be meeting in Chicago this week to review and discuss the 2019 performance data of our corn hybrids and soybeans. Every product has strengths and weaknesses and each product will be evaluated and rated for consideration in the 2021 lineup.

Selecting hybrids for the upcoming season is an exciting process and involves reviewing different genetics and identifying the right hybrids. The new prospects for 2021 are generating enthusiasm among the team. After reviewing all of the data, the team then begin the challenging task of identifying products to be included in the lineup.

Additional planning meetings follow up in January to develop the crop plan and finalize the new lineup.

Please contact your Dairyland Seed agronomy team member if you need assistance as harvest winds down.

Brian Weller
Western Region
Dan Ritter
Central Region
Branden Furseth
Northern Region
Rod King
Eastern Region
Terry Jones
Eastern Region
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