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Agronomy Update: Leaf-Feeding Insects in Soybeans, Looking Ahead to 2021, Ninth Circuit Court Decision

Leaf-Feeding Insects Going to Work in Many Soybean Fields

It’s that time of year when leaf-feeding insects in soybeans raises a lot of eyebrows and sometimes looks worse than what it is.  It can be quite alarming to walk into a field and notice all the damage in the upper canopy.

Currently bean leaf beetle (BLB), Japanese beetle (JB) and grasshoppers have been feeding in soybeans in many areas.  Grasshopper populations are exploding where the weather has been hot and dry.  I have seen all three of these insects in the same field and sometimes side by side.  BLB not only chews soybean leaves, but may transmit pod mottle virus to soybeans which causes malformed seed and pods, green stem and yield loss.  Japanese beetles and grasshoppers feed heavily on soybean foliage.  All three of these insects may feed into September.  As soybeans mature, pod feeding may occur.


When you notice feeding damage, try not to focus only on the upper canopyEvaluation of percent defoliation is based on the entire plant not just the top leaves.  Generally speaking, if target insects are still active and it looks as if the percent feeding will continue towards 40 percent through R2 growth stage or 20 percent from R3- R6, treatment may be justified.  Estimating percent defoliation is kind of tricky and many overestimate defoliation.  Below is a graphic to assist you in making a decision on percent defoliation.

Time to Look Ahead

Where has this summer gone? Well, it’s not over yet, but we’re at that point where we allow ourselves to look ahead toward the finish line. Corn pollination is completed or moving along rapidly. Soybeans are flowering heavily and pods are growing. Most of the crop management decisions for this year are made and implemented. There is still a lot of season left, so do keep scouting for crop disease and insect infestation, and be prepared to apply a remedy if needed.

But, even as we tend to this crop, it is time to begin thinking about 2021. What?? you say…….

As we pivot to August, we at Dairyland Seed are making plans to showcase our hybrid and variety lineup for 2021. We want to invite you to take a look at that lineup at one or more of our planned field days. The Agronomy Team has collected a lot of data throughout the growing season so that we can provide the best possible information on early and mid-season product performance. As we go to field days in August and September, we can together assess late season performance and yield potential. The final analysis will come, of course, via the combine at harvest. The goal is to work with you to identify the best hybrid or variety to fit each piece of the ground you farm.

We are adding some powerful new hybrids across all maturity zones for 2021. Yes, we are already discarding some hybrids that have been in the lineup only a year or two. But we do that based on robust research and on-farm testing programs that identify new hybrids with better yield and equal or better agronomics compared to the “old favorite”.

For soybeans, our lineup has rapidly pivoted to the Enlist E3™ soybean platform of genetics and weed control. This long-anticipated advancement is now reality, and we have a super lineup of soybean varieties for 2021, including many that we have used this year along with many new varieties. At most of our field day events, we will also be discussing the whole Enlist E3™ soybean weed control system. We are confident this system will rapidly become the preferred and most effective program available.

So, as you finish taking care of this crop and await harvest, we hope you will take advantage of the opportunities to begin planning for 2021 by participating in one or more field day events. Contact your Dairyland Seed supplier or District Sales Manager for details on events in your community.

And, as always, don’t hesitate to contact one of us for event details and/or a personal discussion about hybrid and variety selection for next year.

Ninth Circuit Court Decision: Enlist Duo® Herbicide Registration Stands

July 22, 2020

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued its decision in National Farm Family Coalition, et al. v. U.S. EPA regarding EPA’s registration of Enlist Duo® herbicide.

Corteva Agriscience is pleased with the Ninth Circuit decision to reject petitioners’ attempts to vacate the registration of Enlist Duo® herbicide. The registration of Enlist Duo® herbicide stands and this leading weed control product can continue to be sold and used by farmers. This gives farmers added confidence in the Enlist™ Weed Control System.

Corteva is confident in the sustainability and effectiveness of Enlist Duo® and we are committed to helping farmers continue to realize the benefits of the Enlist™ Weed Control System, which provides exceptional weed control in corn, soybeans and cotton with near-zero volatility, reduced potential for physical drift and improved handling characteristics.

Corteva remains focused on developing innovative products such as the Enlist portfolio that reflect our commitment to sustainability and biodiversity while increasing farmer productivity and sustainable farming practices.

Corteva Technology Use Agreements

All growers with orders for any Corteva Agriscience brand seed product, regardless of crop or trait (including non-GM products) need to have a signed Corteva Technology Use Agreement in place by September 1. Growers should sign the Corteva Technology Use Agreement electronically at Signing electronically is preferable, however, paper copies are available at

Brian Weller
Western Region
Dan Ritter
Central Region
Branden Furseth
Northern Region
Rod King
Eastern Region
Terry Jones
Eastern Region
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